Divine Flow
Sunday, December 07, 2008
  For more up to date thingies
Go to www.mattieiden.com
Which looks like this:

TraveLog of Matti
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
  ~Dead blog~
Thursday, April 03, 2008
  Ready for tour!
Okay, sleeping in -3c is kinda cold. Would it get a bit warmer I could start moving with a zero budget.

The tent in the morning. I swear I got no clue what happened during the night.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
everything is magic until it becomes routine
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
  Reviving a dead blog with NT Syringe. Yes!
It's liek under construction etc.

Delicous raid @ London

Not so liak under construction.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
  Christmas present from Bank!
Froze the account while being abroad. God damn.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
  20 days later
Sunday, September 02, 2007
  Hell, free?
Room 7, 0204 o'clock.
1 more month and the army's over. Nice.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Freight hopping. Holy shit, time to go for it next night.

Starting location: Lempäälä
Destination location: Jyväskylä
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
alive? 93 to go.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
  Bang bang

Time goes on and on. Good, freedom is closing in. 236 days of military service left. Wondering whether to travel or work after the service. Work might be a better idea to ensure not running out of money during travels. This blog will stay as quiet as it has been until I'm out there.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
To become free, one cannot be certain of it's destiny.

Be impulsive, creative, original. The key to for finding oneself?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
  PRPIB - Posting Random Pictures Is Bloggin' & Venäläiset frendit sano etten selvii, selvisin.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

.. what.

Everytime I start writing, I stop in the middle and delete everything. Which is good, I don't have to regret writing something stupid afterwards. Internet doesn't forget.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
  Save your money, do some fun stuff.
One more day as a delivery boy, three nights, and a new era of school begins. This is bullshit.

Warranty void if iPod is opened.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006
  What the hell..
.. i'm working in a night shift as a delivery boy..

Thursday, July 06, 2006
"Some day, lad, all this will be yours."
"What, the curtains?"
Monday, June 19, 2006
Past weekend has been kinda unique, as i've stumbled into small troubles with some local wannabe bad-ass guys. One of them assaulted me while I was passing by, which resulted into few exchanges of kicks and punches before I decided to leave as things went pretty hot. So, now i'm kind of being chased by some nuublets. Hah, losers! What else is on the news.. time goes on.. trip to Stockholm went without troubles or accidents.

Welcome to my humble house. KLANG.

Nice desktop wallpaper when combined with black background.

Joonas going for bflip at Stockholm.

My cousin & his flying machine. Wins.

Friday, June 02, 2006
  The Final Challenge

Well.. In fact after thinking, this ain't the final one. It's still possible to go the same way back with a cat leap..! >:]

The video is from pretty bad angle, it makes the gap look less scarier :p

Friday, May 26, 2006
  It's raining..

But the rain stopped for just enough that I managed to put this together. 54 seconds, not a long video, no fancy tricks, but surely it has what all parkour videos should have, flow.

On the overall, I think it was a quite succesful run. I took 24 different shots, which of 23 were used in the video. I missed some points (especially the one when I begin to descend from the roof, the first drop landing is missing.) but I suppose its okay. Hmh, if the weather gets better I might do another one in a different place.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
  "We're gonna make you inhale that cola.. the whole bottle.. from your backside!"

Pietu going for a.. half-½side-flip? Yeah.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
  Rain, slip, crash and impro

After some consideration, I have come to the conclusion that while running on a wall my right foot slipped (due to rain and overall.. slipperiness) just at the moment I was going to jump. Then I probably misplaced my left foot as there is a nasty scratch on the shin. After that I did a 180 degree aerial rotation to right and a 90 degree rotation backwards.
Left wrist took 19 points of damage as I landed on my back.

The one and only "Legendary Three Walls Spot"
Wet and slippery naturally so we couldn't do anything with it.

On the way home, the whole train vagon was empty except for us.
No need to tell probably that it got out of hands.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
  What happen!

He fell shortly after and took 19 points of damage.

Coming up on next weekend: Yläkaupungin Yö
Sunday, April 30, 2006
  Chilaxing at Tampere, the traceur way.
So, today was the second jam of the 06 at Tampere. The first one was one week ago on Saturday with 20+ traceurs participating the event. Today it was more quiet, with less than 10 people. It's kinda good thing, because moving with a large group is always harder and it intimidates people who dislike seeing the youth performing athletics and acrobatics (or vandalism, like they usually call it!). Well, this time things went smooth, no troubles at all and the jam was an overall success. No broken bones or places.

"..It's just a fleshwound!"

Posing on a rooftop. Heh. Thanks to Joonas for the picture.

The flying shadow.

Kebab, keeps you going.
Friday, April 28, 2006
  St. Petersburg
Returned just from St. Petersburg where I left at monday. Too bad I didn't have a camera with me but i'll write more when I get access to some pictures my friend took.

Awesome trip.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
  Climbing at night
Snow is almost gone, yay! Even though it's still wet and slippery, I decided to go climbing around a bit on local spots. Here's one of my favourites; an old railway bridge, can't see shit though in the picture because it was quite dark.

Left a mark there. There is a quite good change that nobody else will ever see it as nobody would probably get the idea of climbing up there. That was also my first attempt at stencil painting and I've got a feeling that i'll do it again.

Another railway bridge, catched a neat picture of an interrail train passing by probably at 200km/h 2 meters away from me. I was lying on a narrow overhang when I took this picture. Was worth the experience. Next time I'll let the train pass over me... not.

Street climbing is made of win and addiction.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
  So be it!
We have just agreed that the trip will be executed 8.6. Only concern now is how to avoid getting a job that would force me to do some work then. On the otherhand, if I get a job in the near future, it might very well be that I'd head somewhere in August somewhere more futher. I'd aim towards France. With a job i'd have the money, but with a job it might be hard to find time for such travelling. In fact, I'm quite willing to part from a job for that kind of trip. It would be even cooler to have enough money to travel without any specific timeline to follow.

Just leave and come back when it would feel like doing so.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Some people simply have too much money, power and influence. All of those are corrupting.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
  To Stockholm!
This must be the 3rd or 4th time we had to change our plans for June with Joonas. I got some problems that forced me to reconsider the date that we were supposed to set off. We couldn't decide a new date yet, but our choices are either 8th June or 22th June. Tzk, will see about that.

It's 1am. Listening to Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (np Black Betty).
Friday, April 07, 2006
  So.. Go blog! Go!
So, I opened this blog aside the HFTC blog as I felt that it's quite limited. And it's mainly written in finnish. Don't except this one to be any more updated than the HFTC one but whatever. Time will show.

No school. No work.

Summer 06 will hopefully be filled with great stuff. Waiting.. waiting..
Whatever shall I do? This blog is mainly about miself and stuff going around me. I'll try to give the main focus on travelling or anything related to parkour. It wont work as a trash place for my thoughts anymore. Pictures mainly.

My Photo
Location: Lempäälä, Finland

Skype: snaipperi

My status
April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / February 2007 / July 2007 / August 2007 / September 2007 / December 2007 / February 2008 / March 2008 / April 2008 / July 2008 / December 2008 /

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